
Definition of Assessment Center

Definition of Assessment Center
Assessment Center is a method that can show some candidate behaviors (assessments) needed for the position / position to come, also Means to measure a person's potential by predicting future behavior through the use of simulations that can measure the ability of participants in dealing with responsibilities in a position .

The purpose of using the Assessment Center
Realization of Career Development in a Transparent, Accountable, Objective-Based Competency (Competency Based Human Resources Management)
Examples of Application of Assessment Center
Criminal Officer / Investigator
The official of Lantas
Intel official
HR Officer
Brimob official
Polair Officer
Binmas Officer
Chief of Police / ta
Special task
Definition of Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment is an integral part of counseling. The assessment provides information that can be used in each step of the solving model. The assessment presents the following functions:
to help counselors and clients to consider various issues,
to explain the state of the problem,
can suggest alternative solutions for problem solving,
to provide a method that compares various alternatives so that decisions can be made or implemented, and
enable counselors and clients to evaluate the effectiveness of certain solutions.
Psychological Assessment refers to all methods used to measure the Characteristics of people, programs, or objects. This is a broad definition that includes measures that are nonstandardized, idiographic, and qualitative, as well as those that are standard, nomothetic, and quan titative. Relating to environmental and individual assessments.

The negative attitude of psychological tests can be traced to tests and test abuse. Psychological assessments need to be seen in perspective, and counselors must be trained in the use of appropriate tests. Test use surveys show that counselors use a variety of assessment procedures. School counselors generally use aptitude and achievement tests more often (maximum performance measures), while university counselors more often use personality tests (typical performance measures).

Assessment function
In a teaching and learning activities, assessment or assessment has a very important role. This is because assessment has two functions, namely the formative function and the summative function.

Formative Functions
Which is used as an assessment to provide feedback or feedback to teachers to be used as a basis for improving and improving the learning process and holding a remedial for students.

Sumative Function
Which is to determine the value of student learning outcomes in one particular subject so that it can then be used as material in providing reports, determining class progress and also determining whether or not students pass.

Objectives of Assessment
Chittenden "1994" stated the purpose of assessment "assessment purpose" is "keeping track, checking-up, finding-out, and summing-up".

Keeping Track
Which is to trace and track the learning process of students in accordance with the planned learning implementation. For this reason, teachers must collect data and information in a certain period of time through various types and assessment techniques to obtain a picture of the achievement of students' learning progress.

Which is to check the achievement of students' abilities in the learning process and the shortcomings of students during the learning process. In other words, the teacher needs to do an assessment to find out which parts of the material students have mastered and how from the material that has not been mastered.